AWS - Amazon Free Tire(T2-micro)
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering database storage buckets, content delivery, CI/CD services, Hosting services, Scalling services, monitoring services and other functionality that helps businesses scale and grow.
Since it is a cloud platform, many of them would not have much knowledge on this. To help new beginner get started and get familiar with cloud platform, AWS provides a free usage tier. The Free Tier can be used for anything you want to run in the cloud. launch new applications, test existing applications in the cloud, or simply gain hands-on experience with AWS.
So lot many services in AWS are given free for new users to explore with cloud services. You can also create a new account and make use of its free services by following the below steps:
1. Sign up your free account with AWS through
2. You can see lot many AWS service in the console page.
3. All services are watermarked with plan details. Free services also marked up with details.
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4. If you want to use hosting service, you can choose free service from the Console Screen.
5. You can see all the AWS services by clicking services at leftside top corner.
6. Click Services -> Compute -> EC2 -> Launch Instances.
7. You can see Hosting server Instances in many variants. Choose the Image that tagged with “Free tier eligible”
8. Choose instance type as “t2.micro free tier eligible” and click “Review and Launch”
9. After launching you will get the pop-up for key pair creation. This key pair can be used for your SSH login.
10. That’s it. We have created the instance successfully.